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    Hitmans39s Dream 3

    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans39s Dream 3

    Clip Description

    Anna and maria sat in the bedroom and talked. Maria told that she got acquainted with a strange guy. He promised to prepare a surprise for her today. He told he will call when everything will be ready and maria was waiting for his call.At last maria's phone rang out, she answered, it was that strange guy. He asked maria to approach the window to see the surprise which he prepared for her.All of a sudden, there was a sound of cracking of glass. Maria jerked and gave out a gasp. A small, round hole appeared on the front of her white blouse. There was also a small hole in the window. She had been shot through the heart by a sniper...Maria puts her hand over the wound, ***** starting to flow between her fingers. She could feel the warm, wet and somewhat sticky *****. She looked down, and saw that her hand was soaked in red *****. She started to sway, and her vision was getting blurry. Then she fell to the floor, face up. Her white blouse was now soaked in her own *****.Anna just looked at her good friend and colleague in terror. She could not believe what just happened in front of her very eyes! Then, there was another cracking sound as another bullet came through the window. This one hit anna, ripping through her heart as well. Anna was thrown against the wall from the impact, and she slowly fell down to the floor, coming to rest in a sitting position against the wall.She grabbed her chest with both hands, crying. The red ***** was flowing between her fingers, turning her lovely, white blouse into red color.Then, alexander entered the room, and he saw the two, young beauties bleeding out. He pulled out his gun, and attached the silencer. Then, he went over to poor maria, lying on the floor. A small trickle of ***** was also coming from her mouth by now. The **** was already mortally wounded, but alexander finished her off with two more shots in the chest. Then he went over to dying anna and gave her the same treatment.Then he took the camera, and took pictures of both maria and anna.”
    fetish elements: shots in the chest and in the heart, gun with silencer, white blouses, black skirts, stockings, heels.

    starring: bella belaya and kristina malina

    run time: 14:17
    691 kb

    Clip Duration:      14 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv698.28 MB

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    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans39s Dream 3

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans39s Dream 3

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans39s Dream 3

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans39s Dream 3

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans39s Dream 3

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans39s Dream 3

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